Georgia Theatre Conference and Competition

Georgia Theatre Conference (GTC) is Georgia's longest-running theatre Convention! We compete in a competition held within the conference every year. The event is held in late October and the GA Players like to use it as an initial testing ground for our One Act Competition piece. We attend the conference. Our show is adjudicated and we get valuable notes from judges to help us make  our show better for the GHSA One Act Competition. 

This festival has ticket costs and hotel costs that the students usually have to pay. It is usually $200-$300 per student. Please consider donating to help us cut the cost for October 2024 GTC! 

Days Left: 0
Goal: $5000
Donor Levels
Gold Partner in Arts

Gold level donations receive 1 Season Pass and their name in physical and digital programs. 

Silver Partner in Arts

Silver level donations receive 4 ticket to any show and their name in physical and digital programs. 

Angel Partners in Art

Angels receive 1 ticket to any show and their name in physical and digital programs. 

This Fundraiser has ended!
Donor Wall
Susan Hartman
$50 donation
Lindsey Hartley
$10 donation
Ann Trueheart
$5 donation